Give your opinion about the project
This is a form to form to provide the assessment of the project's effectiveness and impact.
Project's assessment results
Here are the answers from the participating teachers.
1. I know the project well
2. I've really enjoyed participating in it
All the teachers involved have a coincidence. They are in complete agreement with their knowledge of the project and their enjoyment of participating in it.
3. It has been useful for my classes
4. It has been difficult to integrate project activities in my classes
All teachers agree or strongly agree with the usefulness of the project. They are also indifferent or agree with the integration of the project activities in their classes.
5. It has been useful only for English teachers
6. I liked to get together and contact teachers from other countries
As for the usefulness of the project for English teachers only, the responses ranged from strongly disagreeing to agreeing. So all teachers find the project useful in some way for their classes, even if they are not English teachers. However, all teachers found it useful to meet and get in touch with teachers from other countries.
7. I want to keep in touch with these partners
8. I have worked in a collaborative way
All the teachers fully agree with keeping in touch with the partners of the project, we have a strong relationship. By the way, with the collaborative work, they have different opinions from considering it indifferent and totally agree with the way of interacting with each other.
9. I have used more ICTs
10. I would like to continue with eTwinning projects
In line with the improvement in the use of ICT in their classrooms, all teachers think that they agree or strongly agree with the increase in the management of ICT tools in their classrooms.
Concerning their future commitment to participate in future eTwinning projects, they agree or strongly agree with their intentions in the short term.
11. I believe that the diversity of languages and cultures is a problem
12. The materials produced are useful for my class
They think that the diversity of languages and cultures is not a problem for the continuation of eTwinning projects and they strongly disagree or disagree that it is a problem.
Regarding the materials produced by the project, all of them agree or strongly agree that they are useful.
13. I have often participated in the Home of the Project and in TS, I have published entries or sent materials
14. My skills as a teacher have improved
15. The project has personally enriched me
All teachers agree or strongly agree with their participation in the Home of the Project.
In general, they agree or strongly agree with the improvement of their skills and competences after the end of the project.
Finally, all of them agree or strongly agree with their personal enrichment as a result of their contribution to the project.
You can add any comments about your experience with the project (what do you like the most, what you don’t like, anything that you would change, etc.)
I would have liked the TwinSpace to allow more interaction among the students.
I liked the topic, abd the crosscultural work with students qas very enriching for them. I loved the connection and partnership with the teachers from abroad. It was absolutely amazing to visit them in Spain to deepen our contact and get to know the school and students.
What was actually a hurdle was the complexity of the TS, which did not really facilitate collaboration and provoked students‘ restrain from uploading their materials directly.
In general, the project has been a challenge for me and my students. From the beginning we had to struggle with the new platform, which was a real nightmare. That's why we had problems in the first year of the project, but at least we had a happy ending in the second year. We hope to continue with our partners in the future and with the English teachers in my school because we have a problem with the new law that reduces the number of them. I would change the materials section because it's really complicated to find some of the materials that have been uploaded a few days before.